Welcome to the annual BMC Forest Service Work Party Weekend!
We have again coordinated with the Forest Service and local OA Lodge to offer a group service camp trip in the fall. This year, we will be working with the Wenatchee National Forest District on trails and campgrounds in the upper Icicle Creek watershed, just outside Leavenworth, WA in the Cascades. Along with the Forest Service folks, we may also be working with the Wenatchee Back-country Horsemen – this is the crew that made the Jack Creek Trail so nice! And even more trails in the area can be made better with a lot of Scoutpower!
Scouts will be formed into crews based on experience and endurance. Order of the Arrow members and other experienced scouts will lead each crew to complete tasks assigned by USFS Rangers who will work hand in hand with us. We will also have a big multi-unit campfire and campfire program!! Check with your units and sign up for what should be a great fall weekend of service, fellowship, and fun!
When: October 7-8, 2023 (Main work party begins at 8:30am on Oct 8. If enough interest, we can put together a second work party on Saturday the 7th. Camping is available both Friday and Saturday nights.)
Where: Icicle Creek campgrounds near Leavenworth, WA (Exact campground to be determined by trail boss) – Please see the FAQ below for additional details.
What: De-brushing and trail clearing operations along several trails. There will also be some opportunities for younger scouts such as campground clean-up and prep for the winter season.
Coordinator: Joe Ryan, 814-404-8506, joe.ryan@pnnl.gov
FAQ for trip:
- Do volunteers go there by troop, or meet somewhere and go up together?
- Travel will be organized by unit. Some local transportation (1-3 miles) is likely to be required to get crews to their location or trailhead in the morning.
- What work is expected? Will my 11 years old new scouts able to handle it? Or should I focus on 1st class and high (possible OA candidates)
- We will have service opportunities for all ages. Older scouts will work in areas that require significant hikes and heavier clearing activities. Younger scouts will be assigned closer to camp. Very young scouts can focus on cleaning and prepping the campgrounds along the valley.
- Do scouts bring any hand tools?
- Yes, loppers and hand saws will be needed. Work gloves and boots, of course. We’ll also try and coordinate 2-way radios for crews, so let me know if you have them.
- Do scouts need to camp? Where and when will we be camping?
- We will be camping at one of the campgrounds up Icicle Creek from Leavenworth, a bit over 3 hours from the Tri-Cities. There are many, and the exact one will be chosen by the Trail Boss the week before based on where we’re needed, but it is likely to be one of these three: Chatter Creek; Rock Island; Blackpine Horse Camp. Scouts don’t need to camp, but we would like people to be available at 8:30am on Sunday to join the main work crew. If there is enough interest, crews can also be organized for Saturday, Oct. 7. There will be a large multi-unit dinner and campfire program on Saturday night!
- What are the plans for meals?
- Dinner (street tacos!) will be provided Saturday night and we will have a dessert (dutch oven?) potluck. All other meals (especially trail lunch) are the responsibility of each unit.
- Are there water sources at camp and at work site?
- It is somewhat uncertain whether the water will be on that time of year. Each unit should plan on bringing enough water for use and we can adjust if the water is still on.
- Bathroom? Shower at camp?
- Latrines are available at all camps, but none have showers.
- How far is the trail (work area) from camp?
- Depends on the crew. Some will be close to camp while others will require a hike in. Other tasks are between.
- You mentioned optional Saturday work parties? How will that work?
- We were forced to move the main work day to Sunday to avoid Council conflicts, but the rangers are willing to work with Scouts all weekend if there is enough interest. If advanced Scouts put together a crew, they can backpack in and stay in the field overnight Saturday at or near Trout Lake. This will lessen the hiking and give more opportunity for work. There is also enough work for the younger Scouts clearing the Icicle View trail that both days would work fine.
- Do you need adult volunteers at work site? Campsite?
- Yes. It would be best if each crew had at least two adults, although that may not be necessary for all and perhaps there will be two “crews” managed by a set of adult volunteers.
- What kind of transportation (truck, van, car) do you need for transferring scouts and trail trash ?
- Some trucks might be handy, but certainly not a huge number. A couple of vans might be very nice to transport crews to trail positions.